Hello, this is my first time posting, the whole reason I got on here was to ask for some advice on a pretty messy relationship. I really don't have friends besides my sister, I've just never been very good at keeping conversation. Anyways I 22F have been in a relationship for 2 years now w/21M we dated his last two years of collage, he started law school last month.
With that I saved up the money for a apartment, furniture, and quit my job to move with him 3+ hours away. I really did pay for everything, literally everything. He didnt have a vehicle and his parents wouldnt let him use theirs outside of collage, so he was jobless most of collage besides tutoring.
His family has always thought very little of me bc I didn't go to collage and work in a factory, to be blunt they hate me, and have said that along with many other insults. Anyways, they basically told him that if he moves in with me they'll cut contact.
With that he's gotten cold feet, we were both supposed to move in full time 3 weeks ago but out of no where he told me he's going to commute the 3 hour trip with his parents car until he gets his own car. I've been alone in a huge city by myself for 3 weeks, I only see him twice a week in between my job and his classes and the rest of the week he's at his parents.
I love the man, but I don't think I can trust him again after he let me sacrifice so much and still left. He's been apologizing and saying how bad he feels and that he doesn't want to lose me. But I can't think straight rn, I lost a lot of feelings for him but not love, I'm terrified of being alone. I just want to be happy but I'm not sure being a lone so far from home is going to make it any better, I'll take any advice I can get. Thank you
TLDR: My boyfriends family told him if he moved in with me they go no contact after I already moved 3 hours away, now he won't move out.

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