no matter who i talk to, be it for work, school, bestfriends, gaming, parents. i get so tired during the conversation. 5 minutes in, no matter how much sleep and food ive had, i start yawning and zoning out. my brain goes numb and if i sit in the conversation longer, i get a headache that lasts a few hours.

doesnt matter if i talk a lot, talk less, or not at all. simply being around people is draining enough. or sitting in call with them with complete silence.

after that, i require days to weeks of shutting myself away from everyone just to recharge for a small interaction.

ive tried pushing myself more and more. like instead of taking 3 days of alone time, maybe narrow it down to 6 hours. gradually of course. same with trying to have longer conversations.

but ive been struggling for years and i always go back to needing weeks of alone time.

it feels lonely, and i want friends at times. but i outright regret being around people 10 minutes in.

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