Yesterday I had my first date with this guy I met over a month ago on an app. We flirt well through messages and talk a lot, as I never dated I was very apprehensive about meeting him in real life (self-esteem lol).
The date went well (we even stayed an hour longer) but I was way too shy and he didn't make a move on me, which shows the gallant person he is (he must have seen that I wasn't very comfortable) but disappointed me a little because I really wanted him to and now I feel like I've ruined everything.

In fact, the thing is that I find him too cool for me : he's funny, kind, intelligent and I don't see why or how I could interest him in any way (but that's another matter). But, tbh it blocks me quite a bit because I’d like to be able to be more myself and to talk more like I would with my friends but I'm so afraid of coming across as an idiot that I don't dare, irl at least.

I know there isn't really a solution but I would like to know if you, complete strangers, would have any advice or an idea of ​​what I could do from now on? Perhaps you have experienced a similar situation?

(To add more : we continued to chat via messages since and he told me “I hope to do it again soon”)

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