I 26M and my current ex 22F were together 3 years. 1 year in messages were found on my phone with another women. After lots of heartache she ultimately decided she would stay and try to move past it. I deeply regretted it and felt an extreme amount of guilt. I never again spoke to another woman or did anything to illicit any further feelings of unfaithfulness.

The next year was extremely happy with things headed towards marriage. At the end of the 2 year mark I develop symptoms for HSV theorized by the doctor to have been dormant in my system. I did not sleep with anyone else and the only instance of unfaithfulness was the messages. This was not taken well by her but after talking through things she said that she still wanted to continue things and that she accepted me despite my symptoms.

However, the final year of our relationship she completely lost all sexual desire. Following this she began to neglect me and spend less and less time with me and would become angry when I brought up how she was treating me and how it made me feel. I would constantly get blocked and be told she didn’t know why she did it. She went through a lot the last year. Failing nursing school, getting kicked out of her house. I tried to be there for here every step of the way but the neglect never stopped .

The day we broke up we decided to instead attempt a break so she could try to recover her sexual drive, pass her nursing school class she has to retake, and work on her mental state. Is is worth taking a break from each other or should we just move on?

Relationship with ups and downs that ended in neglect and a loss of sexual desire on her part. Is it worth taking a break to allow her to figure tnings out or should we just end it for good?

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