My partner is M 6’4 and I am F 5’0. We have been together for 9 years and have sex regularly but positioning has always been a struggle. Have tried variety of props and pillows. Pillows just sink, and I am always too short or too low depending on our position, whether lying sitting or standing. We try to work together of course, but Im wondering if anyone has specific explanations of brands/tools/props and positions that have helped them with the tall/short mismatch. Even a particular piece of furniture perhaps that is adjustable? I read some of the FAQ but it sounds like pillows work for other people somehow, am I missing something? I will add that overall he is a big human and I am a small human so this adds to it, for example even straddling is a bit of a challenge. Detailed feedback appreciated. Would love to improve this for our relationship. Thank you.

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