I don’t even know where to start with this one..
I met my current boyfriend a while ago on discord, and we’ve been dating for about a month. There’s a 2-3 year age gap between us (which doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’m a minor), except he doesn’t know that. He never asked my age until about a week before we got together, and I… decided to lie. He told me he’d only date someone with a 1-year age gap at most, so I told him that I was 1-6 months younger than him, and I’ve been keeping up that lie ever since. This has been tearing me apart for about 2 weeks now, and I hope that this just doesn’t last too long.
How do I tell him? How do I even bring this up? He really loves me, and trusts me more than anyone else in his life, and I don’t wanna break that. Please help me with this! It’s stressing me out!

  1. Better tell him sooner. If he finds out himself its gonna be worse for you.

  2. You’re the one that decided to try and build a relationship on a foundation of lies. You don’t really have anyone to blame except yourself when it comes crashing down around you. That being said, its up to you how much time you want to waste building up a building that won’t last.

  3. Tell him. He needs to know with whom he really is in a relationship with. Plus, once he turns eighteen, this can cause legal problems.

  4. You’re turning him into a criminal by not telling him. You clearly don’t care about him in the slightest. All you care about is your own feelings. If you cared about him at all you’d tell him the truth.

  5. Just tell him. ASAP. And apologize. Then, accept whatever the consequences are for lying. Don’t try to pressure him into staying with you

  6. Tell him, statutory rape carries a heavy sentence and a harsh social stigma, and all it requires is that someone report it, it can even be consensual in the younger person’s mind and still be statutory rape.

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