I have been arguing a lot recently with my boyfriend.

We were roommates who developed feeling for each other, so the beginning was very quick. Now it's been almost a year of being a couple.

We share many similar hobbies, though he's more into sports and I'm more of an artist who's not that fit. I do workout but not regularly. He's been nagging me about that recently.

Another problem is the lack of communication on his part. We are both overwhelmed with work, I do 3 part-time jobs and he's slowly wrapping up a big project with his colleagues (they're project managers in civil engineering). He works 12 hrs almost every weekday and occasionally Saturdays, and I work 6-12 hrs everyday, depending on a job.

Still, I want to make some couple's time but he's not willing. He says he's overworked, overstressed and tired. He stopped helping with the chores, buying groceries and cooking. I do all of that now.

So we've been having a hard time dealing with this situation. When I suggest some activities, he forgets them the next day. When I tell him I'm feeling neglected, he says it's all in my head. When I'm sad he's dismissive, saying I overreact and I'm being dramatic. He said I'm criticizing and nagging him all the time, so he's tired of it and wants some peace.

But he doesn't have a problem spending time playing pc games with his friends. He even went on a short trip hiking with them. Otherwise he's in the bedroom doing his stuff.

I get that he's tired, so am I, but I miss spending some time with him. I tired talking to him about it but in the end, he just spun it around and blamed me for it. We don't go on dates anymore, we don't watch movies together, we don't hold handa when we're walking outside, we don't hug nor kiss. I miss him but anytime I'm trying to let him know my feelings it turns into an argument.

I still do love him, but at this point it seems like it's one-sided and I'm starting to be fed up. I cannot be the only one trying. I'm considering to break up with him, or at least give it a break for a while, but the semester starts (the uni, I'm a student) in two weeks, I can't deal with finding a new roommate now and I don't want him to be burdened by looking for another flat in this economy (the rent agreement is in my name rn). But I cannot continue like this.

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