I’ve given up on dating apps. They depress me. I never got quality matches. Everyone tells me I am so beautiful, I am a bit chubby but besides that I don’t understand what the issue is. I had a completed profile that even a dating coach looked at. I am so depressed, I feel like I am going to end up alone. I want a traditional relationship and a family. I am educated, well traveled, intelligent, kind, I am Latina and take very good care of my appearance. besides my weight I don’t understand what the problem is.

I work out, but my body type is not slim. So even if I work out I am still a bit big.

Edit: when I say quality matches what I mean is someone that is educated, takes care of their teeth, traditional (no open relationship or bisexual), intellectual that reads. I don’t care about looks at all. I am 5’7 and just want someone at least 5’6 and goes to the dentist. The only thing am picky about is having a career.

From google: A traditional relationship is a marriage that follows the historical norms of a society, usually for the purpose of starting a family. In traditional dating, men are expected to take the lead and couples save sexual activity for marriage (I want to wait until we are serious). In a traditional relationship, one member of the couple is dominant and makes the final decisions for both.

Edit: asking if I am ugly is a rhetorical question. As I said I am beautiful, I have clean skin, nice eyes with big lashes, well proportioned face, everyone asks me if I’ve had a nose job, perfect smile, straight hair, I’m a professional makeup artist and have a professional career as well. I’m a bit thick that’s it. Maybe 20 pounds overweight, I’m 5’7. I read a lot, very well traveled, have lived in 5 countries, speak 4 languages, I don’t know if it is that I intimidate men. I can have a conversation about anything and I know about it because I read, watch documentaries and try to educate myself on current events.

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