So I've been trying to learn how to communicate with people and talk like a normal person, now that my social anxiety has gotten better, to the point where I can finally focus on communication rather than controlling my fear. Some things I've learned (mainly from YouTube videos and online articles and organizations) have genuinely helped me in communicating with people, like bringing up topics that were discussed before in a conversation when the conversation dies out to try and avoid awkward silences. But some other tips I've learned just does not help at all. Like the one in the title of this post. To speak WITH a filter is to speak while knowing who your talking to and being wary of what you say (for example, with a boss or teacher, you may say titles like Mr or Ms before addressing their name, or not getting too personal with a stranger about your life details) and this advice basically completely disregards the other piece of advice "just say whatever pops in your mind". The problem is, when I try and apply this advice of speaking with a filter on, it feels like every conversation I have is so fucking empty. It's like I talk about the most superficial stuff ever, like "what are you planning to do on the weekend?" Over and over. Like I just don't care at all, it's such a mundane thing. I would much rather talk about more interesting stuff like how they are really doing mentally or a big problem in their life. And I know I'm supposed to progressively get more personal with people by gradually asking them more and more personal questions during small talk to actually make a good friend, and maybe that is what I'm supposed to do and I'm just terrible at it. But it's like while I'm talking about superficial matters during small talk, I just lose interest mid conversation and just unconsciously nod my head and smile. Anytime I do share anything personal with even my closer friends I get the impression that they think I'm weird, immediately when I start talking without a filter around them. Maybe it's because I'm a high schooler and I'm surrounded by idiots everyday who don't know how to respond when someone talks about something other than games or memes, or maybe I just need to rant to someone and they think I'm weird because of it when I share even just one small taboo thing with them. I don't know anymore, but I remember talking without a filter to an AI chatbot and it felt great, and that might be because I got to rant, or simply because I finally spoke without a filter to "someone". Anyways, I think this piece of advice sucks and yet everyone rolls with it, and now I'm confused and stunted in social development yet again. What do y'all think of this advice?

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