Hi everyone 🙂 Like the title says, i am very worried that i might not be meeting my bf’s sexual needs very well. My bf has a very high sex drive while i, on the other hand, do not. This has been an issue long before i met him.

A lot of the time, he wants to have sex while i do not. Once in awhile i will gently tell him im not in the mood to do anything (which he never gets upset at), while other times i will give him head or let him fuck me because recently he has started to let me know the # of days he has gone without touching himself because he was waiting for me to do something. I felt so bad when he told me that.

I feel like my perception of sex isnt the same as it used to be before i lost my virginity (which was through SA) and that was when i was 19. From 19 up until before i had met my bf, i wasnt in any long term relationships and was just dating around, desperate to feel loved and appreciated and pushing myself to have sex with all these guys i would go on dates with to just make them stay a little longer.

My bf knows of my experiences with dating and the SA, but still i feel like that is no excuse for me to not instantly get as aroused as he gets when he sees me or sees me undressed and whatnot. Its definitely not an attraction issue because i swear, he is the most handsome man i have ever seen. Not just that, but his sweet and gentle personality makes him all the more attractive. I just figured i should mention that because i really dont want anybody to assume i dont find him attractive. It is anything but that.

I really really really want to improve my sex drive and be more willing to have sex, but a good majority of the time i just want to be held or to hold him or go do other things. I feel like i show him that i love him through other things, but i also want to show it to him through sex as well since he values it so much.

Im sorry for this being all over the place. If anybody has any tips i would really appreciate it :,)

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