My husband has a strong suspicion that he has autism. He hasn’t taken any official evaluations, but after talking with his therapist he feels like this is correct.

We have a good relationship, but there are things we struggle with. Especially around communication. I’ve had trouble finding therapists that work with adults with autism specifically, does anyone have any suggestions of professionals we could see together? I would love for both of us to understand each other better.

  1. My husband also has autism and communication between us has been very, very difficult through the years. Commenting to empathize and follow other suggestions.

  2. Husband and I found that we did MUCH better with a couple’s counselor for us and an individual counselor who specializes in ASD for me. That way, when I’m working on me, I can speak to the therapist as a neurodiverse person instead of trying to speak neurotypical while under therapy stress. When I’m ready to move forward with him, I speak more neurotypically. He does the same thing. He speaks as a neurotypical to his private counselor, then he works on speaking neurodiverse when we’re in couple’s counseling. Both counselors are online and we do virtual appointments.

  3. How could he have made it through his education and into adulthood without a formal diagnosis? Something isn’t adding up.

  4. Honestly I’d take this as a point of releif. You can now work through the common miscommunications in a more effective and informed way. It seems silly but there are a ton of tiktokers who cover nurodivergent relationship issues and solutions.

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