Feeling limerent

I (23F) have been with my bf (24m) for almost 3 years. We’ve lived together for about 2 years. We even moved states together twice. He’s a great guy, but I am having second thoughts. I don’t feel in love with him, but I do love him. I miss feeling in love. I don’t know deep down if I want to marry him ultimately.

I know I was in love with my ex while we were together. My ex recently reached out to me and asked how I’ve been. I haven’t replied. However, I keep checking the message. Idk why it’s like a compulsion.

I struggle with limerance and have on and off for years. I keep thinking “what if” about my ex even though I am aware of why the relationship ended. I just miss certain parts. I think I felt more chemistry in that relationship.

I obviously won’t reach out to my ex while in a relationship, but I’d love to hear some advice about what to do in this situation and how to feel better in this relationship or if I should let him go. It’s hard because we live together and I don’t think I’m strong enough to remain in the same living situation if we end it. For context, I did end it about 1 year ago and we quickly got back together. I also can’t leave until November at the earliest if I were to.

TL;DR: I’ve been with the same guy for 3 years. I struggle with limerance and my ex reached out to me. I’m unsure of what i should do about my current relationship

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