Going to try to keep this as efficient as possible.

Long time friend and I hung out the past two days this weekend. In the past, I’ve made it known that I was interested in them. And on both occasions, they said they didn’t feel the same.

After the second time, I let go of any hope. I distanced myself for over a year and moved on with life. We reconnected last year for the first time. He invited me into his room and I ended up sleeping over at his place, in his room, separate areas. Nothing happened.

Hung out this past weekend (first time since the last time) and slept over again (he insisted and I was tired). This time though, we slept next to each other on his bed. Nothing happened. But body language through out the night, he would get close and then move away. I just noticed it. Even on the bed. He slowly scooted my way a little, not too close (as if testing the waters?). I didn’t move. Then he scooted back and then slept with his back towards me.

I feel as if, there’s something going on but because of what he said to me in the past, I chose to negate that feeling and write it off as nothing.

Because this is normal for platonic, close friends right?

  1. yea kinda weird he would be allowing you sleep over his place and then last time you guys shared a bed. but he didnt make a move so i guess unless he does something about it then consider it platonic

  2. He doesn’t know what to do and is scared.

    The question then is…do you want to be intimate with him?

  3. > This time though, we slept next to each other on his bed.

    > Because this is normal for platonic, close friends right?

    In my experience, that would be very unusual. Not saying there’s anything wrong with it (assuming you’re both single), but I wouldn’t imagine that being very common. Maybe I’m wrong and it’s more common than I realized, but I [33M] would never even consider getting into bed with a platonic, female friend, even if I was single and even if she suggested it. Just my opinion, no judgment if others disagree

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