F 47 with husband M 47 been married for 20 years with 3 kids youngest are 13. For 6 months he has been distant cold and non communitive about anything I have tried everything humanly possible to make sure he’s ok and be the best I could be for him and it just kept getting worse finally a month ago he opened up and told me he was struggling at work feeling low and just didn’t feel like he cared about anything or anyone anymore he’s been awful to me said some pretty terrible things and also like this with our kids also. Now the odd thing is no apology for being like this has decided he’s all good and work is great again and maybe he should have told me sooner so he felt better. He has deleted all social media except Facebook and is carrying on with life just fine and dandy. Me on the other hand I’m not I’m a mess from months of emotional abuse and not knowing what the heck was going on with us or why he seemed to suddenly dislike me and I find it impossible to just let go and move forward I feel there is something he hasn’t said and I don’t know how you can go from zero to fine in the space of a couple of weeks? Am I overthinking? What would make a man be like this?

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