I’m reaching out for some advice on how to handle a communication issue in my marriage. Lately, I’ve been struggling with how my wife handles certain conversations. For example, she often makes fun of me. When I ask her to stop and explain that it bothers me, she deflects by saying it’s just her light-hearted way of bringing something up.

Instead of addressing my concern about being laughed at or offering an apology, she usually shifts the focus to something unrelated from the past. For instance, she might bring up something I did a day or two ago, completely avoiding the current issue. This makes it difficult to resolve the problem and leaves me feeling frustrated and unheard.

I’ve told her that it doesn’t feel right, especially when the situation calls for more seriousness or respect. But instead of acknowledging my feelings, the conversation goes in circles. She either brings up unrelated things from the past or redirects the discussion entirely, and we never get to the core of the issue. It’s frustrating because I feel like my requests for more respect and emotional validation aren’t being acknowledged.

If you have any advice on how to approach these conversations and help her understand where I’m coming from without causing more tension, I’d really appreciate it.

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