After 4 years of having absolutely no frinds, I had just made one in school like 2 weeks ago.

I met him when we sat in my last (7th) period together, we had this project that we worked on with out shoulder partners and it went very well and now we talk at lunch everyday. He also recently moved here and last Monday was his first day so I was his first friend.

However, during lunch, I've realized that all the conversations were started and led by me, and he doesn't tell me much about anything at all. I'm starting to think he just doesn't like me.

The worst part of it all is that today during 7th period he has suddenly had levels of energy that I have never seen before after talking to some other people during 6th period. Usually, he was quite quiet and serious, just like me and also would always copy off my paper becuase he oftenly wouldn't understand the material and he had alot of work to catch up on being the new kid. But today, he was very engaged, talkative, and energized. He was also doing alot without my help.

So now I'm wondering how those kids were able to hype him up like that while I had to carry conversations with him. Growing up I was oftenly replaced by better and funner friends and i DID NOT want that to happen again, so I felt so scared and now I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

The other day, another person in class i was talking to told me that I was a very "serious, mature, and a professional person", she even asked me once if I even laugh or smile at all. and after that conversation, I realized that im probably just really boring and people just don't like me.

What should I do about this? How do I become less boring? Should I just give It time or what?

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