So I have this “friend group” that I always play video games online with and since I know most of them little to not at all I’m usually very quiet when we play games. They always say stuff like “why is she so quiet” “I think that’s just part of her personality” like I’m not even there and they couldn’t ask me themselves. Another problem is that when I’m nervous (which I am around them) it gets hard for me to think straight and I do the stupidest things knowing that they’re stupid. Paired with me being quiet and also really forgetful everyone now seems to think I’m an idiot and one of them started calling me “alien” and even randomly gave me easy math problems like 3×6 out of nowhere and if I didn’t answer cause I couldn’t hear him he was all like “I see”. I don’t know how to show them that I’m not an complete idiot and most of them (except for that one guy) are really nice and I don’t wanna embarrass myself.

  1. Hey op,

    A lot of my online friends think I’m pretty much the hamster in a maze running into an electric fence over and over. When in reality I’m more like a mad scientist (welder/fabricator)

    You have two options:

    1) they’re just giving you shit like friends do, and you can just play along and pay it back in spades.

    2) find a new friend group that treats you better.

    I have a couple groups of friends online that I play with and depending on who it is is what online persona I’ll use. I have no problem playing stupid, sometimes it makes the games more fun. Hell they’ll call me moon moon sometimes, or I’ll emulate Deadpool (my mommy says I break everything I touch)

    We had a kid who joined us and started believing I was actually the idiot in the group. My buddies know how I am and they were getting annoyed at him for some remarks he was making.

    COD: I started shooting him in the head over and over saying “omg you scared me!” While my friends said if he booted me they’d boot him.

    Project zomboid: we spent 3 hours making a base while he tried “teaching” me how to play the game (I play with streamers often) so while they worked on their base I told my buddies to make cut off zones from him while I ran off to do my own thing. He got annoyed because I “wasn’t helping”. I make buildings into bases and when I came back with the truck I purposely built a staircase up to his base and yelled so the zombies would follow.

    Took a bit before he realized I wasn’t stupid, I just didn’t care and wanted to play how I wanted.

    Don’t feed the trolls, eat them

  2. I was called alien too once and someone asked me what 9×9 was once also to test me.

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