I know that women appreciate sentimental/thoughtful gifts but idk about men, are you generally happier over gifts that cost serious money or are little things just as nice? I’d like an honest answer please

  1. Me personally I wouldn’t say I prefer expensive gifts, but things I do want tend to be expensive, but they more along the lines of investment items like a tailored suit or tools etc…

    In my previous relationship, my ex had asked me what I wanted for Christmas and all I asked was to spend more time with her, I didn’t care if she bought me anything.

  2. No! I hate gifts to honest… They make me uncomfortable, I dont do protecting and providing because of the gifts i receive I do it out instinct and the woman I am doing it for is the gift.

  3. I prefer gifts that have had thought put into them. Generally, if I want something, either I’ve bought it already or it’s too expensive, in which case it is probably out of the budget for this question. My appreciation for a gift is heavily weight towards how much someone as has actually thought about it. It doesn’t even need to be that sentimental, just something where it is clear the giver has actually taken the time to think about what I like.

    I’d prefer a £20 bottle of port over a £1000 iphone, as I love port and have no use for an iphone.

  4. I really depends on the man. Some won’t care and some will do, if the men care about the cost of a gift then I think it speaks highly about themselves.

  5. Best gift I’ve got was from a gf of mine many years ago.

    There is a video game called SKYRIM. I was playing that a lot back then.

    There is a murderous cult in the game called Dark Brotherhood. And to join them you need to kill someone. After you leave the area a courier comes to you and hands you a note, a dark hand figure on a parchment, and below it it says “we know.”

    She made the same thing to me. With her hand mark. Burned the paper etc. to make it look like it was a parchment.

    Best thing I’ve got, ever.
    Cost her nothing.

  6. In my experience men aren’t materialistic it’s really mostly women that love lavish gifts or gifts in general. But men are more simple most men don’t prefer expensive gifts. I remember when my husband and I was dating I got him a $80 doir fragrance and he told me I basically made his life and this is the first time a girl ever bought him a gift. I remember he was so happy he posted it on his Snapchat story. To me that was nothing but to him that was the kindest thing anyone has ever done for him. Men will really appreciate you if you buy them a $20 gift from Walmart

  7. I don’t like gifts. (I always feel I need to give something in response)
    If i get a gift, i like something useful. I don’t care for the cost. Although an expensive gift would make me even more think, that i have to give something (expensive) in response.

  8. No, we dont like gifts, it makes us feel feminine which we dont like feeling. It makes us feel weird and uncomfortable. Just give us a good bj and we are content and happy – thats what makes us feel manly and our manliness is celebrated, not mocked with stupid gifts.

  9. I would prefer a gift with sentimental value. I’d rather the relationship not drift toward being dependant on how much each partner spends on the other, yes because I’m not rich, but also because expressing affection through materialism doesn’t sound healthy to me.

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