I met a woman (early 20s) on a dating app. and I've gotten to know her over the last couple months through texting and meeting in person (platonic) a few times. She's great. Smart, funny, sweet, etc… But as we've gotten to know each other she has shared that she hasn't had much sexual experience (one partner) and that most of her experiences haven't been that positive. She hasn't enjoyed sex, she hasn't masturbated (ever), she's never watched porn, she hasn't had an orgasm, she really doesn't know her own body and how to enjoy it.

I have been wondering how I might help her get to know herself, to find out what she enjoys, to start on a path of sexual awakening. We're not actually dating yet, it's more flirtatious texting. She seems eager for new, positive experiences, but she's starting from basically zero.

To make it fun, I've thought about structuring this as a series of "homework" assignments.

To be clear: these are not activities that we would do together. These are things that she would do on her own, like listing her top 5 fantasies/turn ons, trying a vibrator, etc..

If you have ideas for homework assignments, please share them! Or if you have useful resources that I could share with her, that would be great too. All help is welcome!

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