What was the last thing you did for yourself just because you’re worth it?

  1. Validated myself and my own existence. I also took a lavender scented bath the other day.

  2. I bought a big tub of bubblegum icecream and i’m the only one in the house that likes it. Mwhahaha

  3. Bought some L’Oreal, because you’re worth it!


    Nah, just spent more time on reading and my overall health and wellbeing.

  4. lol I walk a really thin line between self-care and self-destructive sometimes. I am trying to learn to prioritize myself sometimes and practice self-care and get to know myself. I think the last thing I did just for me because I can was buy some clay. I’ve discovered in the last year that I really enjoy working with it, but ran out a few months back. I’ve just been ignoring it for awhile but last week I went ahead and bought some. Does that count?

  5. I went to the park by myself to get away and relax. Taking time for myself is important I’m working on remembering that

  6. I just registered to go back to school at age forty. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember, and I’m finally at a stage of life where I feel like I can put my needs first.

  7. Read a whole entire 300 page book in a day and a half. It usually takes me 10 days. Boy it felt good as fuck, I felt so smart and put-together and overall proud of myself

  8. Quit that highly toxic job that was sucking the life out of me, that gave me nausea every morning, made me cry so much, gave me very dark thoughts and question my own worth.

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