Like how often do you go to other states, go on vacation and etc. in america

  1. I travel for work, so, all the time. I’ve been to northern California and the northeast, including Denver, all in a span of 3 weeks.

  2. I’ve been to all 50 states. I have more exploring to do though as some of those states were for work

  3. A few times a year. The US is massive and a good percentage of us have never left the country. Perhaps the Canadian side of Niagara Falls or a Caribbean cruise.
    I have visited around 40 states but haven’t gone much further than Florida since I was a kid and we drove to Yellowstone.

  4. For comparison, my state is about 30% bigger than France and the US is about the size of Europe.

    Back when I lived there, I would take 2-4 trips a year in Texas or Louisiana by car, 1-3 trips to Mexico by plane, and 1-2 trips somewhere else in the US by plane.

    Beyond that, every 3-4 years or so, I would go outside of the US and Mexico.

  5. I try to go to a different part of the country than where I live every other year.

    However, I am in an area 90 min away from my home that I have never been to, and it’s still generally in the same area of my state.

  6. A lot.

    I mean I live by the border of two states so I’m constantly hiking and going to restaurants in another state.

    My favorite city to visit on a weekend is two states away.

    Beyond that nearly every single vacation I’ve been on since 2019 is within the US.

    Most people that can go exploring do it in the US. It is far cheaper and has no end of beautiful cities and natural areas.

    If I was in Denmark I am pretty sure I would have driven over 90% of the country. I drive that much just for work.

  7. Almost non stop. Road tripped through 4 states (all of them twice, technically) and 3 Canadian provinces this month.

    There’s so much to see I regret only that I’ll never see it all. 

  8. As often as I can. I just spent 3 weeks exploring state parks in Texas this last month. Finished not in a state park but at NASA in Houston. 10/10.

    I have been to many locations populated and wilderness in Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkasas, and Colorado.

    I have been to Chicago, Washington DC, and NYC before.

    My friend wants us to go to NASA in Florida now.

    I wanna go to as many forested state and national parks as I can because I grew up in the Plains and trees are scarce.

  9. I have been out of the country and to 30 states. However, a lot of people have never been out of the country because they don’t need to….Want to see some mountains? A desert? An ocean? The tropics? A forest?….we have all of that. 

  10. I travel a lot inside the USA. Within 6 driving hours of where I live we have quite a bit to explore including Virginia to Maine plus parts of Canada.

  11. I live in Colorado. There is so much to see within a 200 mile radius of me. Will never get to it all. Great problem to have!

  12. This summer I spent a week in Utah, two weeks in Alaska, and a week in Georgia. I live in Texas, so, when driving, it takes awhile to get out of the state, but, in Texas I’ve been as far west as El Paso, as far North as Amarillo, as far east as Texarkana, and south to Galveston. Lived in a small town bordering Mexico. I love our beautiful country!

  13. Quite a bit. Want to see mountains, oceans, deserts, forests and famous cities? Our country has all of that and more. There is so much to explore in other areas. 

  14. A lot

    Over my 45 year of loving the outdoors, I’ve Hunted, hiked, camped and fly fished 47 states.

  15. All the time. We were driving home from Washington DC a few weeks ago when my 17 year old daughter randomly thanked us for taking them places. She said she never realized how good they had it until she started talking to friends in high school and would tell a story about a place she had been, and they said they hadn’t been there before. We aren’t rich, but we love to get out and explore.

  16. I’m incredibly introverted, routine-oriented, and probably an outlier. I have the resources to travel but don’t do so very often.

    When I do, it’s usually a weekend trip to one of several major (400k+ population) cities within a 3.5-6 hour drive. It’s usually for a concert or sporting event, and I’ll check out a museum or something when I’m there. I probably do this once a year.

  17. Not as much as many people replying here. I have not been away on a vacation for 20 years probably. I have not been to much of the state I have lived in for over 15 years. Most of the time I just am not going farther than a 3 hour drive from home because I need to go home the same day. I am near the border of my state so can easily go to 3 other states with that restriction. Once a week I am probably in one of those bordering states though.

  18. I’ve been to 27 of the 50 states and Washington DC.  I’ve only been to 13 other countries. So I’ve done a fair bit of exploring in the US 

  19. A lot, relatively speaking, during road trips. The end point of most of our road trips are to visit family in a city I detest (Las Vegas), but we absolutely take advantage of stops along the way. Our last Las Vegas trip had us in Pigeon Forge, Atlanta, Florida panhandle, New Orleans, Houston, San Antonio, Big Bend, El Paso, Puerto Peñasco, Las Vegas, then about half of Route 66 on the way home.

    I also tend to get out when on business trips. We don’t build our factories in Oahu, so it’s usually places like Buffalo or Kansas City or Louisville and their surrounds.

    Oddly, we typically don’t vacation with an American destination in mind, other than local places, usually here in Michigan or in nearby Ontario (which is identical to Michigan other than being controlled by a foreign government). Or Cedar Point. We’ve flown to Florida as a destination, and likely will go again (road trip) when the kids start demanding Disney. Otherwise our “destination” trips are usually places outside of the USA (Mexico, Canada, Asia, Oceania, etc.).

    As for frequency, we try to have a large, multi-week vacation every second year, and take small, four- or five-day weekends throughout the summer and autumn – usually camping, but sometimes we’ll hotel in non-camping spots. On non-vacation years, I sometimes have trouble exhausting my 25 days of vacation (easier now that my wife stopped working her crappy job with only 10 days of vacation). Since our vacation is use-it-or-lose-it, you’ll usually find the salaried staff completely gone from the company the last couple of weeks before Christmas.

  20. I consider domestic travel (and even travel within my own state) to be one of my main hobbies. there’s so much to see and do. I especially love a long af road trip.

  21. Quite frequently.

    I go out of state by ~300+ miles multiple times per year and ~1,000+ miles twice a year, and unless time is critical, I prefer to drive via [US Routes]( and State Routes (not Interstate Highways).

    I like to research what’s within ~20 miles of my intended route and create a navigational file (a kml, FWIW) with the routing and various points of interest. There are various sites like [The Historical Marker Database]( and [Two Lane Traveler]( that I refer to.

    If I flew or drove the interstates, I would not have run across neat places like [The Rotary Jail Museum](, which I spent two+ hours at a couple of years ago.

  22. I have been to 42 states. I have taken a train trip around the country. I have lived in six states.

    I haven’t even begun to see all there is worth seeing here.

  23. All the time.

    * I live in Vermont, most of my family is in Massachusetts so I visit there quite often. I will also go to Cape Cod or somewhere in Maine for a vacation at least once a summer.

    * My girlfriend’s family has a cabin in New Hampshire that we go to from time to time

    * I go across the lake to New York occasionally for hiking or fishing I also have friends in NYC, we visit each other from time to time. They like the peace and quiet of Vermont, I like the lights and noise of the city.

    * In a few weeks I’ll be going to Denver to visit some friends

    * Next spring I plan on going to Knoxville, Suttree is my favorite novel

  24. Living in California you could spend a lifetime just exploring the state let alone the whole U.S. I love exploring where ever I go.

  25. My goal is to go to all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces, but I’m far from reaching that goal. I think I’ve been to 12 states so far (and 4 provinces). I travel in the US pretty frequently, I just usually go to the same states. My family used to live in Oregon when I was in Washington, so I’d go see them a few times a year. Now that I think about it, most of my traveling in the US was for a specific purpose and vacation was secondary. I used to go to a summer camp in various states and my family would take me on a trip nearby afterwards, which we wouldn’t have done if not for the camp. A lot of the rest of it was to visit family. I think only 2 of my trips were purely out of interest in seeing a place

  26. I’ve traveled extensively throughout the country for my entire life. 43 states.

    Countless road trips, camping and backpacking trips, many business trips and long weekends, etc. I have family and friends all over the country. From Miami to Maine to San Diego to Seattle to Wall Drug.

    The last few years I’ve slowed down but have been seeing the parts of my home state previously unturned.

    In 2019 I went to Iceland for 3 weeks and drive the ring road as well as other side trips, I saw most of the most prominent places in the country in that time. For comparison sake, that country is about the size of Ohio.

  27. A lot. I’ve seen most of the East and Gulf coasts, and in my own backyard I’ve been to every county in New England

  28. I’d argue most Americans travel domestically more than internationally despite having a powerful passport (yes I know it’s not the strongest)

  29. I haven’t been to a new place in the US in a while, since I biked the coast of North Carolina a few years ago. I’ve travelled internationally more since then, but even that I haven’t done much of. I’d love drive cross country.

  30. I’m sure you’ll get posts about how big America is but you truly need to understand how big America is. Watch a couple YouTube videos about it. Most people from countries in Europe don’t understand that. Going on road trips to other states can take so long but it’s so worth it to go to other places and see how beautiful America is.

  31. Most of my vacations have been every one to two years(I spend most of my PTO on going to visit family) and most of those are within the United States. It is so huge that it would take a long time to visit everything I want to see in my own country.

  32. Often. I’ve been to 36 of 50 states by plane, car, and train. There’s just so much to explore within the country. Heck, there’s so much to explore in my own state!

  33. Not as much as I would like to. I mostly explore my own state, but thankfully it is massive and diverse. With over 400,000 square kilometers of land, 9 National Parks, and 130+ state parks, there is tons to see just in California alone.

  34. It took me ~30 years to see it all.

    Well, enough of it that what I haven’t been to is a pretty short list.

  35. I still find new amazing things every day in Chicago!

    If I didn’t follow the urge to see what’s down every mysterious alley, I never would’ve met my wife.

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