I don’t get that many matches so when I get one, I’m not the best at thinking before acting and I always tend to say something stupid or a dumb dad joke that gives away that I’m kind of lame. Usually I get instant unmatched or never get a response and by day 5 it’s obvious I’m being ghosted so I just unmatch myself.

It sucks, it really sucks. I don’t even care about the relationship at this point, I clearly need to get more practice at just interacting with people I’m interested in. Trying to be funny or clever doesn’t seem to work so I want to know socially what I could do to keep things interesting with someone I just met.

1 comment
  1. I just came across this guy and thought his videos were interesting and informative. Perhaps you would like them too. https://youtu.be/rVJ5z_BrRCE This one is on how to stop being awkward. I thought it had some good tips. He has lots and lots of videos…

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