So there’s this one girl from my gym class who I spoke to once at the end of the semester and she gave me her Instagram.

She seems really cool and I wanna be friends with her, but I barely spoke to her and now the semester’s over and all I have is her instagram to reach her.

For context, she gave me her Instagram in case I had any questions pertaining to something she’s knowledgeable about. I want to know how to speak about something unrelated to that.

How do I initiate conversation and befriend her?

1 comment
  1. You want to be friends or you want to “be friends”?

    If you’re looking to have some sort of romantic involvement with her then take the shot. “Hey, I know you gave me your Instagram in case I had some questions about “blah blah” but I was wondering if you would be up for *insert activity here*.” Honesty is truly the best policy when it comes to these matters. Not saying confess your love and devotion to her just be honest about your intentions. You want to spend time with her and talk to her then spend time with her and talk to her.

    If you’re looking for “just a friend” then just talk to her. Talk about things, life, whatever you want to talk about.

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