I’m a teenager who isn’t trying in high school, give me your best reality check

  1. If you didn’t think doing well in high school mattered, you wouldn’t be asking us this question to confirm what you already know.

    Learn not to depend on others to encourage you to do what will make you happier.

    That skill will serve you well in all areas of your life.

    There are many people who are “could have beens” for lack of that skill. Learn to sail on your own winds.

  2. Well my reality check is to not worry too much. I had a terrible time at school and wasn’t allowed to succeed, but I still made 100k last year. All my friends who became bricklayers and sparkies are being paid loads more money than the ones who became project managers and marketing gurus.

    All I would ask is why you’re not trying. Can’t be bothered isn’t a thing – it’s probably burnout, diet, exercise, home life… Something is holding you back. Work out what it is and sort it out. Trying hard is no tougher than not trying when you actually want to try hard.

    I hate the school system and firmly believe it is unfit for purpose so I wouldn’t drive yourself mad about it.

  3. noone is ever going to give a damn what your high school grades were.

    PArty on!

  4. High school doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, but the habits you form in high school matter a whole lot. Habits can be changed later but it requires much more effort to change course.

  5. You are going to have to learn to work hard eventually. You can do it in high school, or you can do it at a shit job. Pick one.

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