Have you guys been in a situation where you fell out with your parents for one reason or another? What was the reason? Was it permanent or did you find a way to reconcile?

  1. They disrespected the girl I was sleeping with. Twice. They got put into a penalty box.

  2. I kissed a boy and that was the end of them being my parents. I was thrown out on the streets and haven’t spoken to them since. I’m just wondering if I’ll be invited to their funerals at this point.

  3. well if you’re an adult, and living your life, while also out of your parents house does it matter🤷🏾‍♂️

  4. My mom tried to use my son as a pawn. She swore that my wife and I were on drugs. She called CPS and gave a whole story that she made up. Long story short she was able to take my son for an indefinite amount of time (which I cut short after one night) until me and my wife took drug tests for CPS. I took my son from her the next day. She isn’t sorry, she doesn’t care that she hurt my son. I have forgiven her for it. Neither of us talk to her anymore. It caused a bunch of shit between her whole side of the family and I.

    I say I forgave, and I mean it. However she doesn’t want to look herself in the mirror and see that she was selfish and could’ve done irreparable harm to my family. She doesn’t see how she used my son as a pawn.

    I admit that me and my wife were going through a hard time, and that we weren’t being as responsible as we should’ve been. However, our son was always our main concern, and he has always been very well cared for. She had no reason to involve the state in our family affairs. I don’t need someone like that in me or my families life.

    Reconciliation is still possible. If she were to actually change and see the faults in the way she thinks of things and learn to not manipulate me, than yes I’d talk to her. I don’t see that ever happening, but you never know.

  5. My parents and I don’t talk much. Every time I call it turns into a long political rant about nothing. I moved to the Midwest and can safely kinda let them be. I don’t hate them or anything, but I’m glad I’m far away.

  6. my father and I did not get along – my father had some strange ideas that I was doing some really bad stuff. I was not into the stuff he accused me of, and we got into a couple of fist fights.

    I had enough of his crap, so I joined the military. In the end I never reconciled with him. I would visit my mother, but would not say two words to him when he was alive. He as since passed.

  7. I don’t really feel like writing a New York times best seller right now. Maybe in a couple years.

  8. My Dad and I had a falling out when my parents got divorced after I left home for the military. They both moved on but I blamed him until i learned the truth behind the divorce. Then he died. I never got to say I was sorry or reconcile.

  9. The reason was my dad raised us in a cult and it turned out he was a drug addict with another family and drained my parents savings and sent them into deep debt. My parents got divorced but my last two years of high school she let him come around a lot which I disapproved of and often ended with them fighting, police or just general bad things.

    I moved out at 18 and barely talked to either for like 5 years and she continued to see him here and there until he almost died after a long stay in the hospital. She then let him move back in and I would see him time to time if I stopped by my moms. He stayed away from me as he was now sober enough to feel regret.

    After sometime we just saw more and more of each other and the past became the past. Sorta. The relationship wasn’t much to begin with and it’s still not much now but we do talk about deep things from time to time.

    My mother is my mother so even when we weren’t on great terms I checked in. Our relationship is fine and never really took more than a hit of a couple years.

  10. Me and my dad.

    Though he is biologically my father, I would never consider him my dad. Dude walked out on me and my mom when I was 6-7 years old(I watched him leave as my mom was telling him don’t do it). He blames my grandmother for not liking him…while he was cheating on my mom with my sister mom…we’re only 6 months apart. I also watched him hit my other sister when I was around 3-4 years old, I still remember seeing his hand raised high in the air and coming down to hit. (Bonus points: He beat her mom as well)

    In 2020 we had a lot of arguments while my mom was away in GA. Called her once and she told me a few things about him I never knew. My mom made him pay child support since she couldn’t completely trust him, and she was right to. After he left us, he married another woman and took some of that money to buy a ring. Grandma helped luckily.

    I’ve never had any type of connection with him. I can’t stand him, we no longer speak to each other.

  11. I was born. They found me a disappointment. They tried again and I had two siblings they liked better.

  12. On a lighter note compared to the rest of the comments…

    My relationship with my dad soured considerably when I was around 16 years old and started to want more independence, but wanted it without responsibilities. We had a lot of arguments and disagreements (about a wide variety of things, not just responsibilities) and generally didn’t get along that well for the few following years. We would have conversations occasionally but relations were cold so to speak.

    After I moved out our relationship slowly started to get better, I still wasn’t comfortable talking to him about certain things and was afraid that he would disapprove of me, now, this fear was baseless, but because of our previous falling out I viewed my dad as very strict even though he wasn’t.

    After that it took 2-4 years for our relationship to gradually recover, and currently it’s the best it’s ever been in my opinion. The difference maker was really us not living under the same roof anymore, me growing up a bit, and him mellowing out as he got older. He wasn’t like raging, but he was very tense due to overworking himself.

    When we had our problems I wanted to be more independent and he didn’t think I was mature enough to be left alone yet, which in hindsight I wasn’t.

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