Hi, I’ve been with this girl for almost 3 years things have been up and down like any relationship we had our issues talked about them and got over them. Lately I noticed a change in her since she started working, she is changing her appearance, she is becoming more mean with me certain days and she is on and off. One minute she says she loves me and we are happy next she says she doesn’t love me or care about me. She told me she doesn’t love me anymore or care about me and my feelings but she still wants me to come over this weekend for our ” last weekend together” idk if she’s testing me to see if I changed with getting upset and causing arguments Over things like this or if she genuinely doesn’t care. Why would you want me over and get sexual she is planning with me if you don’t love me or want me anymore. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

  1. I’d tell her to forget the weekend. Don’t waste your time with someone who keeps telling you they don’t love you and is nasty to you. You deserve better

  2. If it’s medical, you think she can she have bipolar disorder? Just a shot from the hip.
    If that’s the case maybe she used to take medicines for it but stopped?

    If it’s not medical, then I’d ask my self if I can accept such treatment over time. Nobody deserves to be on a Rollercoaster. It is exhausting.

    My last relationship was like thatz and everyday I woke up not knowing if it was going to be a good day or bad day. In that case it was her jealousy which treated me as if I were being unfaithful. Even one time she had a dream I kissed a girl, and thus hail rained down on me in the morning.
    I lost weight back then. Moment I left her, my health got back to normal, Weight increased and I was left with inner peace.

    So think about it a lot, I know it’s tough to leave someone you love darely. But sometimes you gotta think about your self.

  3. Sometimes ppl just want goodbye sex . Sounds like she’s done with the relationship. If you want to be with her physically one last time go for it otherwise start moving on now.

  4. Dude watch your six o’clock. If she is breaking up with you, playing this hot and cold game, take sex off the table.

    Then break it off with her as gently and cleanly as you can.

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