I met this girl in college and we were talking for a while then we went on 2 dates and everything was fine then i asked her to go out later but she said she had exams and wanted to focus on them and i said ok, then i asked her 2 more times on different occasions and gave me an excuse for each of them, i then told her that she wasnt giving off the same energy as before and i wanted to know if she was interested to getting to know each other more and she said she was but she was busy with her dad being sick (which she mentioned before) and college and then i said its fine and gave her her space, later after we finish with our exams and her dad was better i asked her to go to the movies and she said ok but the day of the date she flaked and said her parents didnt let her (apparently her parents are a lil stricr) and then told me that she can in 3 days and i told her sure and again flaked on the day we were supposed to go with the same excuse i then told her that im interested in her and i wanna get to know you more but we gotta go out in order to do that, but she didnt reapond for 2 days, i then told her “did u forgot to reply again or what” cuz she did something similar before and said she forgot to reply and its been about a week and she still didnt reply,? Even tho she talks in the college group, should i text her and tell her why she isnt replying or what do i tell her? Or should i just move on?

  1. Move on.

    There are many reasons why she could have told you/acted interested in you on your date but actually wasn’t. Maybe she’s a people-pleaser type who has a hard time rejecting someone or saying no. Maybe at the time she genuinely thought she was interested but has since changed her mind. Maybe at the time she didn’t really know if she was or not but went along with it in an attempt to figure it out. Maybe she felt like you were being too pushy so she gave you answers she thought you were looking for. Or maybe she’s the type who likes to string guys along so she can get the attention with no intention of pursuing anything further. Or maybe it’s something else entirely. Either way, actions speak louder than words and it is very clear that this person is not into you. At least not enough to seriously pursue something. If someone likes you enough then they’ll find time to see you, they’ll show genuine interest in talking to you, they’ll initiate conversations instead of leaving it just up to you. You’ll know if someone really is interested. Her flakiness is your answer and you need to accept that and move on. If down the road after you pull back *she* reaches out *you* and makes her interest clear then great, you can decide if you’re still into her. But there is no use in waiting around and getting your hopes up when she’s giving you pretty strong signals that she isn’t into you.

  2. I think she’s been pretty clear in her actions and “forgetfulness” that she’s not interested enough. If she Really liked you she would have made a lot more effort to make time for you. A girl who’s really into a guy will find it hard to forget to reply to his messages. She’ll rather be the one obsessing over you.

    But regardless of her lack of interest, really don’t take it personal at all. These things happen to Everyone and just because this particular girl doesn’t show much interest doesn’t mean there won’t be other girls (that you’ll like) that will also LIKE you and show a lot more interest.

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