I understand that most people in general are at the gym to blow off steam and aren’t trying to be bothered. There’s a girl at my gym that I’m really interested in getting to know but I want to be respectful and not bother her. Are there any tips on how to approach this or should I just leave it alone?

  1. Depends on intepretation, there are ways to not be creepy and approach people. But some people will always find it creepy no matter what you do, at that point best you can do is just be respectful and never pushy. Thats just life.

  2. I think you should just walk up to her and “I don’t mean to bother you, sorry if I am but I’ve seen you around the gym and I would like to get to know you better” or something like that. It really depends on the woman. I hate that men feel like they can’t talk to women without seeming creepy. But that’s the world creepy men have created.

  3. If you really really want to, strike up a super casual conversation when it looks like they are done and getting ready to leave. If they seem in anyway not super receptive to chatting, move in. If they were interested, they would want to chat.

  4. The gym is not a place to socialize, its to WORK. You get in and get out. Socialize outside.

  5. When they’re finishing up or you’re about to leave, write a note “I think you’re super pretty and I would love to get to know you better, if you’re interested here’s my number. If not, no hard feelings.”. It’s privacy for both of you and doesn’t come off creepy.

  6. As a woman, no, don’t try talking to women at the gym. It’s not the place for prospective dating at all. Just leave the women be and let her enjoy her workout without worrying about being hit on.

  7. Catch them when they’re done or leaving. Could do the “accidentally catch each other’s eyes” maneuver and see how she responds to it. Just don’t be a perv in your looking. Say she’s working arms, watch a couple reps and sort of nod like you’re impressed. Gauge how she responds to it and plan from there how you approach.

  8. Yes. You say “excuse me” and grab your plate or dumbells. Then you shut up and do your workout because the glorious house of gains is sacred ground where sweat and vomit are sacrificed to the gods of pump and shred. Now give me 10 sets of bicep tricep supersets

  9. I wouldn’t do it because I think most people are in their zone. Last week I asked a girl how long she needed at the latpull down. She was so perplexed that somebody talked to her that she couldn’t answer and I saw in her face how her brain was on a whole another planet. The machine next to her got free in the time she tried to answer me, I just said „yeah nevermind“ and went to the other machine.

  10. Just do what you want to do. Be casual and don’t hang around or linger. Everyone’s different some people are more acceptable to it and some aren’t. There’s no right or wrong answer here.

  11. May i ask, why are you interested in her? Do you know her from somewhere else or do you just think she’s attractive?

  12. Get a tshirt made with your number on it. If they’re interested, they’ll text

  13. For me (woman), I don’t want to be interrupted while I’m working out. I would be okay with a conversation when I’m in the lobby, etc. But not if my back is against the wall and I would feel trapped if I wasn’t interested and had to say no. The back against a wall is true for many women regardless of where that is.

    And by conversation I don’t mean, “Hi wanna go out?” I mean, “I like this gym. Have you been a member long?” or “Do you like the pool / can you recommend a class / other thing specific to your gym.”

    This allows a moment to assess where she’s at, if interested, and (gasp), for you to assess if she’s more than a pretty face/great body.

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