I have an online friend, never met in real life but still a close friend who I’ve known for a year. Few days ago I asked her a question. A day later another question. She didn’t respond. Then, I noticed she changed her profile picture, so she definitely wasn’t busy or offline. So I asked “why are you ignoring me?” She said she was not. But im not dumb, she changed her profile picture meaning she was online and decided to not answer to my messages. Im not super upset about being ignored once, but I was only asking cause I wanted to know why. She said she was not, I replied yes you were. Apparently that was too much and she blocked me. Is this my fault or is she a terrible friend, for ending a one year long friendship for such a small thing?

My own thoughts: maybe I should’t have annoyed her like that, however it was only a tiny issue which shouldn’t be a reason to end a friendship. I think we were both wrong in our actions. I still want to be friends but apparently she dislikes me now. I dont know if I can do anything to be friends with her again.

  1. You dodged a bullet mate, months worth of manipulation, gaslighting and mental gymnastics. Infact she did you a favour by indirectly telling you to fuck off, no love lost on your side. Do yourself a favour you got a clear route just inculcate a real sense of direction for yourself

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