Hey all,

So my (M22) Girlfriend (F33) and I have been fighting a bit over the past few weeks. It started when we took a work trip to Florida and she refused to introduce me to any of her guy friends. Walking home from a bar where all coworkers were attending and we run into this dude (M24), we’ll call him Bob, and a couple others. Makes backhanded comments because obviously I’m upset that my girlfriend didn’t introduce me to her guy friends and says something along the lines of “she always like that”. Fast forward to the hotel room and she tells me Bob is a dog and that the day prior he was hitting on her friend who is in a relationship as well at a yacht dinner they attended. Fast forward to last week and my girlfriend has a work meeting in Texas. This guy is there and the entire time she was telling me that she is really only hanging out with her other girl friends. As a side note she barely texted me the entire time she was there and we didn’t really talk, but I also had a work trip and she flew off the handles if I didn’t talk to her for over an hour yet she went sometimes 4 hours with no word. Anyways, she gets back from this work trip and we have a huge argument about this and the double standards I was held to and yes I have trust issues from past relationships, but we have been dating for a year and a half and they have never been an issue until now. This is when she tells me that she didn’t do anything and I have nothing to be worried about and I shouldn’t be upset. So after our argument about 3 days later I take her out to a really nice dinner to make it up to her and she asks me to show her something on Snapchat. While I am showing her I see that she added bob on Snapchat and won’t tell me how or when and claims it was after these work meetings and he just somehow added her out of the blue. I am obviously concerned with this as she had just told me not even a month prior that he is a dog and already has a track record of hitting on female coworkers. She gets upset that I am upset about this and it turns into another huge ordeal. She then proceeds to tell me that they are now really good friends and that he helped her with her work in Texas and regardless of what I think she is going to be friends with this person because she works with him. She insists that all he did was add her on Snapchat and nothing else after telling me a week prior that she didn’t hangout with this person and a month prior saying he’s a dog. Today… I am scrolling through Instagram and notice on of my girlfriends posts. I click it and it says that bob has now liked 2 of her recent posts and is also following her on Instagram now and she follows him back as well. I am very confused about this because just yesterday she insisted that she doesn’t even know how he got her Snapchat, but now they are also following each other on Instagram and he has been liking all her recent posts. I am very confused as to what I need to do and where I need to go next with this relationship. Obviously I have trust issues and I am aware of that, but something about this whole thing seems off to me and need some external input.

TLDR: My girlfriend has befriend someone she has referred to as a dog in the past and whom has even hit on her friend at work functions. Goes on another trip and apparently now they’re close friends who have added each other across all platforms, but also forgot to mention this and said nothing of the sort prior to me asking when she returned from this trip. And I have already expressed to her I am very uncomfortable with this specific individual. She is also mad that I am upset about this and says I have nothing to worry about.

  1. What. It sounds like something sus happened. Like you don’t go from calling them names to being buddies over nothing. That’s weird

  2. Your gf probably hooked up with Bob during her work trip. She is gaslighting you into thinking nothing happened between them hence the inconsistent stories. Your gf is probably into young guys but luckily time is on your side.

  3. I’m about her age. It sounds to me like she is gaslighting you. You are way on the young side for her, it’s not illegal or anything obviously but you’re marginally in the “half your age plus seven” danger zone. (33/2+7=23.5). It raises the question that why doesn’t she date someone more her age, more mature with more life experience? It sounds like she has a successful jet-setting lifestyle and may be keeping you as a “boy toy” not a serious relationship.

    I would just leave, tell her “Something doesn’t feel right” or “We aren’t right for each other”, don’t bother stressing out trying to solve this mystery and looking for the “smoking gun”.

    Edit: Forgot to add, people in their 30s hardly ever use Snapchat casually, mostly just to cheat.

  4. Sounds like she has already moved on and does not consider you worth introducing, so she does not have to tell anyone she has a bf.

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