I had sex with this guy a couple of years ago he was in a relationship and he’s still in a relationship. (**I have also given him money in the past)** In September when I asked him if I could see him he told me that he didn’t think it was a good idea. And that he was trying to be a good boy.

So I started talking to another guy and when he saw me talking to the other guy he walked by saying he liked my scarf. (*He said the same thing about the scarf years ago*) Then the second time when he saw me talking to the other guy he walked up to us and started talking.

The other day I saw him I was at another register talking to another cashier. He nodded his head hi and as I was walking out the store he told me to have a beautiful night.

*I did tell him that I would always be there for him if he needed me. But I don’t get why he was trying to be in my business when he has a girlfriend.*

1 comment
  1. woah, you’ve posted this in *so many* subs – what is it that you want people to tell you that they aren’t telling you? can you think of any reason why they may not be reacting the way you want them to react?

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