How many sexual partners draws the line when your trying to get to know a woman?

  1. No limit, the more she has the more experience she brings to the bed room so the better the bedroom life.

  2. For I guess it would depend on the time frame of those partners but I couldn’t judge considering the glass has two sides

  3. I like experienced women so they gotta have at least 5 but I have no upper limit, the more the better

  4. Depends on their age. If they’re 18 then anything over 10 is an issue. If they’re 25 then anything over 100 is a problem.

    Also depends on what you mean by sexual partners. Are we talking “penis in vagina” only or are we including blowjobs as well? If so, I’d set my limit at 37 dicks sucked for an 18 year old

  5. How would you know how many partners someone has had lol. That’s a weird and irrelevant question to ask

  6. There is no number A person or their worth is not defined by their number of sexual partners

  7. So I have an old guy take (I’m an old guy) on this……what’s the difference between a woman who’s having sex let’s say 100 times a year with one guy or a woman having sex 100 times a year but spread over 5-10 guys? If you have a negative thought about the second part of that scenario, rejig the scenario and how do you feel about a guy who has sex 100 times a year spread over 10 women……it shouldn’t matter, don’t judge people like that.
    Also remember age plays a factor, is a women who’s had 20 sexual partners at 25 yrs of age any better/worse than a woman who’s had 20 sexual partners by 30 years of age….of course not, it doesn’t matter.

  8. I’ve got a little stroke reading the question…

    As I understand it, I’d say “Well, it’s an orgy and I just saw her and there are too many people lined up to fuck her. So as much as I’d like to try to know her, I can’t.”

  9. If you’ve not had the exclusivity conversation, she is likely getting to know other men too.
    The past is just that, the past. Focus on the present and get to know her not her body count.
    If you both decide to become exclusive, trust that she has chosen you and is not interested in anyone from her past.
    So in answer to your question…. I don’t care about the number and neither should you.

  10. If you are looking for a long term partner, studies show that after 5 partners, the chance of a successful relationship go down with each extra person. Interestingly enough, it levels out after like 40 if I recall properly.

  11. Depends on age and timeframe. Anything in the triple digits, regardless of age, is absolutely out. Outside of that, it fluctuates with regard to her age. Eventually, “liking sex” turns into “dopamine addiction”. And usually, there is no way off that train.

    However: You cannot really reduce this problem to just a number. It’s usually just a good indicator for avoiding having to address real issues in their lifes they aren’t disciplined enough to fix.

  12. Depends on what your goal is. If you are looking for something relatively short term, her history doesn’t matter except for stds etc.

    If you are looking for marriage and kids then this is different. In my view, both you and her should have lowest possible number of previous partners. Ideally still virgins. But I am old and from a different generation and young people don’t care what I think, so good luck to you guys.

  13. I don’t know, maybe back when I was dating my wife I had some idea. But however it mattered, I think there are so many other things to consider so I would get loose on this parameter.

    Now I’m to old to care about that at all. Well I don’t think I would be doing it anyway.

  14. Hmm normally I’d be with the guys who say “no limit” and I don’t have one but got me thinking “were you not able to sleep with someone repeatedly”? Bunch of one night stands would have me thinking

    But really my main concern is if she’s STD free

  15. I couldn’t find a fuck to give about your past. As long as you’re clean and get tested we good.

  16. I’m not super hung up on body count like a lot of guys but a lot of it depends on exactly which time frame we’re talkin about here, if I was single and I’m dating a woman who’s 35 , and she’s been with 10 guys, eh whatever, if I’m dating a woman whose 19 and she’s been with 10 guys, that’s going to make me raise an eyebrow

  17. Honestly, 1.
    I am a virgin, thanks to that time where I never talked to anyone for like 4 years straight.
    I just want someone who is like me, a virgin.

    (Side note, I am a lot better now, I go back to school, and I’m working out for a military program.)

  18. I mean as long as her number isn’t higher than the body count in a John Wick Movie, I think I’m good.

  19. I would say I’m a fairly conservative guy when it comes to this so I prefer exploring with 1 person than doing a lot of superficial, no emotional connection sex with more than a few people. Best case is her number gives her enough experience but not enough to make my guts churn, never mind the “numbers don’t matter” standing in this kind of thread. So probably somewhere under 5. I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable if her number is higher, but I would feel uncomfortable if she feels bad enough about it to not tell me.

  20. There is some evidence that people wih the lowest likelihood of divorce have a moderate but not excessive amount of ‘prior experience’. From memory the stats are something like:

    Highest divorce risk: 12+ partners (lifetime total)

    Med risk: 0-2 partners

    Lowest risk: 3-12 partners


    So there is some truth in the ‘common sense’ that there is such thing as ‘too many’ if security and/or marriage is in consideration. But there’s also such as thing as ‘too few’!

    However at the same time keep in mind this is just increasing/decreasing a risk that is always present regardless of sexual past, and the risk is dependent on more than just sexual history.

  21. yo, everybody answering: please clarify if you are talking about someone who you hook up with, someone you date, a long term girlfriend, or a fiance and then wife.

    big fucking difference between those.

    yeah, it doesn’t matter if you are just hooking up. if you are planning to spend 60 years with the person until you die, then maybe knowing what their beliefs regarding sex are is pretty fucking important.

  22. I don’t think I had a hard limit. So long as she didn’t have any STDs, I don’t think I’d have cared, but never encountered someone with more than, say 20.

    I remember when I met a 19 year old and she said she had been with 16 other people, and I thought to myself: “Is that alot?”It sounds like quite a few for someone so young, but really that’s like 1 everything 3 months if she started at 15. Then it doesn’t sound like that much.

  23. Who cares? If they’re with you then then why worry about it as long as they’re healthy and everything is safe?

  24. Everybody seems focused on the risk of cheating or breakup. But that is very much not the worst thing that could happen. She could abuse your children. She could manipulate and abuse you. She could break you up with your family and friends. She could be irresponsible and lose your savings or put you in debt. She could put your family in physical danger. She could commit a crime. She could even do the worst: write something controversial in twitter. Honestly I would prefer if she just suck someone’s dick compared to most of the above.

  25. I’m more interested in the number of meaningful relationships they had that the number of sexual partners. Recently I met two women, both around 35 years old, who never had any relationships lasting for more than 2 years. I didn’t think much of it but after some time I saw why. I was ghosted by the first one after 1 year of relationship, and I broke up with the other after 1 month.

    As for sexual partners, here is how it went for me:

    – First had sex at 21 years old, then had a couple more partners, then met my -ex-wife with whom I stayed 11 years, so by 34 I had 5 partners.

    – Then went into a hookups/sexfriends year and had about 15 partners, then get tired of that and am looking now at relationships again.

    – So at 36 I’ve had about 20 partners, and hopefully I’ll meet someone and not rise the number of partners too much.

    Based on my experience, I wouldn’t be surprised if a woman in my age range who love sex, started earlier than me and was a bachelor longer than me had more than twice as many partners.

    So in conclusion number of sexual partners is not a red flag in itself for me. Lack of ability to form relationships is, and addiction to sex would be a concern, but one I wouldn’t mind exploiting a bit for a while.

  26. It doesn’t matter how many previously. Only you matter at this moment.

    Judging people on their past is a pathway to disaster

  27. I was a virgin when i got married, at age 23..coz i had my own personal boundaries and therefore wanted someone who was also one…not that not being a virgin is wrong…its just personal….

    Unfortunately, she lied. She’d been around the block many times…her count was at least 20 when i stopped counting…
    And she cheated on me multiple times during our marriage….

    2nd marriage…she also stated she was a virgin…
    Within the year, it was discovered that she had also been around the block….her body count was also aroumd 20….

    She also cheated on me…caught red handed….

    See the pattern emerging?

    Same goes for about 7 of my close friends….

    So….in my own opnion….bodycount does matter….


    Coz it shows me whether they have self control….
    Shows me how they view sex… a way to get urself off with whoever and whenever they please….or do they view sex as more sacred…something to be shared with a special someone….

    This lack of control and view on sex also increases the chances of infidelity…..

    Now this is not just for women….same goes for men….

    I hope i dont offend any1…this is just my opnion due to my own experiences and manyyyy of my friends….

    What do u think?

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