Hey, 23M, prone to social anxiety and maybe on the spectrum?
So like 20 minutes ago my step-brother (who i’ve known since i was born so you can leave the ‘step’ out) texted me saying i should video call him followed by “we’re gonna have a laugh”. Now this might seem totally normal or fine. But the thing is I’m not too fond of my brother: overall he’s violent, he’s a total bigot (and i’m not straight but still closetted) and he’s been a douche towards most of our family.

So what i’m worried about, since his texts seem quite passive agressive, is that he found out i wasn’t straight. See online (on twitch, twitter and dating apps) i’m out as pansexual. Thus I’m worried he found out, a few years ago he threatened to “beat me up” if ended up being gay. And this shit still scares me, i honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he did.

On the other side I’ve heard from my mom and step-sis he’s also trying to reconnect so I feel like I’d be a douche if I just ignored that?

There’s no way I’d video call him, but honestly even just answering still feels like a reach. Can I just ignore it? Even for just a few days until I’m ready?

  1. It’s very possible he knew and now accepts you. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Hope all goes well, I hope he learned a thing or two. I’m bi and my dad used to be against it till I started spending more time w him.

  2. “Hey, I can’t video call for the next little while, sorry! What’s up though?”

  3. Learn to fight. I feel like you would really benefit from some boxing or jiu jutsu lessons

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