the other night I was drinking with my sister. all of a sudden she gets in my face screaming at me and calling me names. I try to leave to diffuse the situation. She follows me asking why I’m leaving and continuing to call me names. The name-calling escalates and she threatens to kill me. In retaliation, I throw her down and pummel her. She takes one of my knives and holds it to my throat saying she will slit my throat. I lock myself in my room and threaten to call 911. She attempts to pick the lock. In the morning she has bruises on her body from when I threw her down and says this is “evidence” I instigated the fight. Advice on what to do? I apologized and tried to explain myself, but she refuses to hear my side of the story.

  1. Well the extreme thing to do would be to protect yourself go down to the precinct and file a report right now and give your side of the story

  2. Move out (assuming you live in the same house), block number, and live your life to the fullest with people who actually love you.

  3. Unfortunately, there isn’t any legal basis to respond physically to verbal threats. Your story would get you in trouble but hopefully your age will make them negligent to charge you. Seems it was a toxic situation anyways, if you truly think she might go to the police, you should go to the precinct first and express situation being sure to describe the fear you had for your life and the subsequent knife threats, you have a chance that you won’t be seen as the assailant.

  4. Y’all really should stop drinking. None of this would have happened if alcohol wasn’t involved.

  5. Sounds like she was black out drunk. Not a good situation. This is serious. You may have to make a report before she gets to it. Don’t ever drink with her or be around her when alcohol is involved again.

  6. Go to the police file a report get a restraining order. This will force her to move out and make life much safer. She is clearly dangerous and had attempted to act on her threats by putting a knife to your throat causing a scratch.
    If you dont take it seriously now it will escalate.
    When will it be the right time to act? When you are stabbed? In hospital? On life support?
    Go. To. The. Police. Or if you cant do that tell someone who is mandated to report child abuse (in some countries this would be a teacher).
    Your life is at stake. Act like it.

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