So I am not sure if this event was meaningful since it (sort’ve) happened by coincidence?

So I (25F) have been seeing this guy for 2 months now. This past weekend, I was heading to his (27M) place for our weekly hangout. I picked him up, as we were aiming to drive around to find somewhere to eat. As we were driving, he gets a call from his mother.

When he hangs up, he tells me that 15 of this closest family members are gathering for a farewell dinner for his uncle, and that he wants to bring me to have dinner with them. Needless to say, I was pretty shocked that he willing to have me meet all of them as we haven’t been seeing each other for very long.

It went really well, and everyone (including his mother) were all extremely welcoming. He even held my hand for a bit in plain view of his parents. After the dinner ended and we were heading out, he turns to me and says, “So, when am I meeting your parents?”

We haven’t had the official convo yet, but it seems he would be down for exclusivity if it makes sense for him.

I don’t want to get my hopes up from this past weekend, but does it mean anything positive based on these circumstances?

TLDR; What Does Me (25F) Meeting His (27M) Family Mean?

  1. This has been a weird topic for me because I was always used to bringing my friends and girlfriends around my family when I was growing up. Just didn’t seem like a huge deal but I have come to find (as I have gotten older) that different cultures think this is like a step before marriage sort of thing.

    That said, I guess it depends. If he is like me then it’s not a huge deal and his “when can I see your family” was a tongue and cheek joke cause you just met his family in this spur of the moment way.

    But maybe he is serious. Guys aren’t a hivemind where we all do things the same way. I do think its funny you are wondering if it is positive though. Like no, he brings random girls to see his entire family as a joke.

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