What makes you need a drink? (Alcohol)

  1. ‘Need’ is a tough choice of words there. If you ‘need’ it, is it because you’re self medicating? Wanting, desiring, etc.. all good. Once you ‘need’ it, you might be better off without it.
    Not a popular opinion, I’m sure. Just my POV.

  2. I hate my job and can’t find one that pays the same. So I’m stuck in life. Waking up, everyday is miserable

  3. I don’t need drinks. I want them. Usually nice summer days out in the garden with my dogs after work.

  4. Some foods are magical with alcohol, pizza and beer for example, also fruit wines and fruit-based deserts. None of that is healthy, but its delicious, and if you’re going to eat 500g of carbs or whatever a pizza is, may as well enjoy it fully with an icy beer. You’d think a hard cider with an apple pie would be too much “apple” but there’s no such thing as too much “apple”. (Edited to add you haven’t lived until you’ve cooked pork chops in a wine and sliced grapes reduction sauce… the sauce turns into a natural bbq sauce type experience, very tasty, also see a million variations on chicken boiled in red wine)

    I find cooling down after completing a manual labor project goes well with an icy beer. All that yard work trimming bushes and stuff then mow the lawn all sweaty kinda sunburned sitting on the patio under the umbrella in a nice breeze afterwards sipping a cold beer, that’s the way to enjoy life. Not as healthy as sipping some kind of athletic electrolyte supplement, but its a nice way to chill out after completing a big project.

  5. Exasperating people and situations. Or when I need to calm my nerves and take the edge off. A smoothe drink and a calm close to a night is a good way for me to take the edge off.

  6. Alcohol was the only coping mechanism i had when I was at my lowest point. I don’t need it quite like I used to, but the addiction and habits is still there. Drinking is just what I do in the evening

  7. Anytime I need to loosen up. At social events when I need to talk to people, or after a rough day at work and need to unwind. Booze helps get me out of my own head for a bit.

  8. Peer pressure from society when really i don’t like drinking but do it just so i don’t get funny looks

  9. the taste

    occasionally getting a light buzz

    and possibly getting through family gatherings

  10. 3 years, after my dad passed away I didn’t know how to feel, he was the best father that you can ask for… enjoy time with your family

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