Last night I finally broke up with him because he hasn’t been giving me what I need or taking care of him.

Sex is important to me he knew that when I agreed to be his gf. We would have been together 3 years in June but we have had sez at the most 12 times.

At first he asked me to be patience with him and I was. I guess over time I got used to and accepted sex was not the main part of our relationship.

But lately around a year or so he has had no energy and barely gets out of bed. He hasn’t works in a year and a half.

I had been asking him to go get checked out by thr doctor to see if anything was wrong. Even if he went to the doc and I still didn’t get sex I was OK because I am just worried about him.

Anyways last time I asked him if he planned on going to see a doctor and he said not in the foreseeable future. That was when I said I couldn’t do it anymore and broken up with him for quite possibly the last time.

I told him I didn’t expect sex right after he went to the doctor. I would just like him to visit one to see if there is a problem.

He is sleeping right now and I would very much like to be his gf right now the fact that he has not done anything with his life or going to see what might be causing him having lack of energy is not sitting well with me.

I was hoping maybe finally realizing he is losing me will get him to do something, anything.

1 comment
  1. You did the right thing. A fulfilled sex life is an important part of any healthy relationship with your significant other. Together for 3 years, but only had had sex 12 times? You’re better off finding someone who matches your sex drive, or at least is willing to work through issues in order to.

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