So my gf (18f) and I(17m) have been together for a year and 8 months. I will say it is not without trouble though. About a year into our relationship, she found out I had been texting other girls( I never did anything with them, just a slide up on Snapchat story and that’s it) and broke up with me. I took her to talk and we agreed to keep trying cause we loved one another.

I put the cheating behind and me and truly fell in love. I can’t even explain the feeling she gives me. However, this past Monday, she told me she was going out with her friend, we’ll call her Anna. I was happy she was and then she told me Anna couldn’t go out no more, but she was still planning on going with one of her old guy friends. Considering what I’ve done, I was okay with it. She needed up not going, as she felt like she was cheating on me, but told me she needed to talk to me.

Tuesday night I pick her up and we go sit at the park and talk. She wants to take a break cause she’s not as happy as she was when we first got together. It was really hard on me and her. She was crying I was to. We agreed to take a break and see where it goes. She is a senior and I’m a junior, so I went to her graduation Thursday night and Grad party with her family Friday. It felt so happy. I was happy she was happy.

However, Friday day she was hanging out with a different guy friend she told me not to worry about. I still text her, and I knew Anna was there, but she didn’t say anything about the guy. I saw cause of Snapchat maps and didn’t say anything, but it made me really upset.

Now today, I was snapping her and she said she was going to eat. I asked where, she gave a eh answer, and when I asked with who she never gave an answer.

I love her so much. And I have not had more than 3 hours of sleep since it happened. I have really bad anxiety and all I can think about is I’m not enough. I understand I messed up. I just need her. I don’t know what to do. I’m so sad and overwhelmed. I just want her.

TLDR: Your boy is heartbroken and don’t know what to do

  1. How was your break defined? What are the terms? Because breaks are usually a really bad idea. If the relationship does not work – break up. If you think it can be saved, work on fixing it. What does a break accomplish? What is being done during this break to help either of you determine whether you should be together or break up? How is it not just avoiding the issue and putting off a full break up?

  2. The relationship has ended and it’s time to start the mourning process. Yes, it hurts. Yes, you are sad. This is all normal. Little by little you’ll feel better, and you can learn some lessons from what happened.

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