So my first ever first date didn’t seem to work out; seems the girl wasn’t interested. I’m confused as to what the problem really was and since I don’t anticipate dating ever being a regular thing for me (Cos I’ll be busy in uni cos of the path I’ve picked for meself), I’m contemplating whether or not I should just shoot her a text (She seems friendly enough to reply but I don’t really know because the more X chromosomes a person has, the more unpredictable their actions become, at least for me; kind of like a double pendulum…jkjkjk) and ask her what went wrong so that *?I can learn from me mistakes, if there were any?* I understand this is highly unconventional and irregular which is exactly why I’m here asking this. So, lemme know what ye think?

tank u!

*smooches* 🙃

  1. Doesn’t seem like you’d lose on anything by asking but also it might be completely for reasons out of your control like maybe the other person just found someone else or had a family emergency or you just reminded them of an ex or a family member or… there could be a ton of reasons that are just unfortunate happenstance.

    Also if it’s something like your vibes just not matching that’s nothing to really fox, just trying to find a person that does match.

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