“Easy” isn’t quite the right word, I’m sure everyone finds this stuff hard, but they’re capable. It makes me feel like I’m at the bottom of a school class or trying to play a sport I don’t like.

– Looking for jobs feels like a job to me in itself. I keep hearing about people who send literally hundreds or thousands of applications and I can barely make myself do one.

– Looking for accomodation outside of my family is similar. I got rejected twice and ignored by multiple people and it’s already making me want to give up.

I think it’s partly because I’ve heard so many bad stories about people like me from people who’ve tried harder. I’m disabled and so the default for people in my position is for things to go wrong rather than right. But I feel like I’m in quite a privileged position and could get somewhere if I actually tried, and that I’m putting myself up for failure.

I just don’t, even with that, fully understand why I have such little willpower, and how other people manage to find even difficult things worth doing and par for the course.

  1. I found both looking for a job and an apartment to be complete hell and practically a full-time job as well, and so far everyone I’ve mentioned it to agrees (the person who felt it most strongly is also ADHD like me, idk if that might apply to you). So I think they are pretty crappy and hard things in general, and if they’re even harder for you then that’s quite rough and I wouldn’t be too hard on myself.

    It definitely helps if you have some optimism about succeeding, but also to a large extent it is a numbers game so even if you get a bunch of rejections your chances will increase if you keep going.

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