What advice do you have for female roommates/flatmates?

  1. Please be mindful of hair on the shower drain. That can get really problematic. I have five cats who shed all year and my wife outsheds them all. I’ve acquired an honorary degree in plumbing by now.

  2. Keep your cat in your room! As sweet and fluffy as they are, your cat is not my responsibility. And if your cat pops my air mattress because it got into my room, then YOU are replacing it!

  3. I don’t want to wake up unable to shave because you have underwear in the sink.

  4. Speak to her in a low calm voice while waving your arms slowly up and down. Try to look as big as possible. Don’t run or turn your back to her, back away slowly and get out of the area. Sometimes that won’t work and you will have play dead lay flat on your stomach then protect your neck head and face. Spread your legs apart so she can’t flip you over she should get bord and leave you alone.

  5. Don’t roam naked outside your room and lock the door from inside. If you roam naked then I shall too.

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