So I go to college gym and just outside there is skating rink. I like a girl who skates there. Many people sit beside the rink to watch the practice. So should I go watch her practice everyday after my workout and wait for some signal if she is into me or would it be creepy. And any other advice you all might have on how should I approach this girl. I never had a girlfriend and I am on shy side so please give me some tips.

  1. hmm

    i understand and ive been in your situation before ( feeling like a distant admirer )

    i think its hard and unadvisable to just stare everyday and wait to pounce although it might work with many people

    can you find any context outside of the gym where you can initiate a natural conversation with her?

    once she knows your existence it’ll probably be perfectly normal for you to go watch her skating everyday and mention you like watching her performance or something

  2. I wouldn’t srand beside the rink an watch a lot if you don’t know anyone.

    Could you wait somewhere else until her practice ends and then meet her coincidentally outside? If she is alone on her way somewhere you can approach her and say something like
    “Hey! I saw you guys practicing while being on the treadmill. Sounds like a lot of fun! How long have you been skating?”
    With a bit of luck, that’s a conversation starter.

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