Forgive the grammar “ mistake” it was to beat the algorithm from stopping me from posting this lol

  1. With greater respect. For real.

    They like acknowledge you when you approach them. I think being muscular sends a message of strength, discipline, work ethic, and self-care and it just manifests that way.

  2. Way less talk-back.

    You say something, they take it at absolute face value.

    In social situations like car near misses if they do the usual stop and get out, when they see someone my size and shape exit (traps like mountains, visible veins on arms) they get back in and speed the fuck off fast.

    The other issue is I can be an intimidating figure to those who are anxious.

    I.e. the rare occasions I was in a restaurant and I have a loud laugh that carries. It took me a while, but having a big loud guy near your table can be unsettling to some. They don’t know I have zero interest in violence unless necessary, they just see a jacked dude being loud. Makes them think I could be a “kick off” type.

  3. They treated me differently straight away. Not because I’m muscular but because I’m objectively more attractive than them.

  4. Being a bigger dude that looks like they can handle themselves gives off an intimidating vibe. When I was younger, I was in great muscular shape and bigger than average. People tended to be cool with me and didn’t give me any trouble at all. I’m older now and while I don’t have the same bulky muscles, I still look pretty strong and I’ve grown out my beard. I think people are more intimidated by me now than when I was younger and stronger. Little do they know I’m out of shape and riddled with old injuries. I don’t want to get into an altercation with anyone these days.

    People are usually very intimidated by my presence until they realize I’m not looking to hurt anyone and I’m actually pretty easy going.

  5. To me I base my visual respect on fellow men on how well they present themselves with clothing and manners regardless of how muscular they are.

  6. I dont have any way to put it other than all of a sudden I got put into the Chad bucket.

    I used to be a really skinny kid but at the age of 17 I became a gym rat. Those habits I still keep now. I’m in the gym of some form five days a week and my weekends are active.

    I remember trying to get one of my friends to join in coming with me to the mma gym. He was into watching the fights and he was asking me about my training so I figured I’d invite him. His response was, “no way man I can’t do that, I’m not like you.”

    I dunno when I switched buckets but I never felt like I outgrew the skinny nerdy kid from high school. However somehow that perception changed for other people.

    It made me really think about the stories that we construct about other people’s lives.

  7. A lot more respect in every aspect of life. My opinion holds more value now than it did when I was a scrawny 24 year old.

    I suddenly was getting quickly promoted at work, lots of job offers from random clients I’d bullshit with while working.

    It’s pretty crazy honestly.

    I did start dressing nicer when I got fit since I wasn’t trying to hide my body anymore, which may have helped a lot too.

  8. In the gym, until you start getting noticable gains, the regulars don’t say shit to you. But once you make noticable progress, they want to chat, exchange advise, make fun of people not in good shape. Socially you get good and bad comments.

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