I (29 F) was recently seeing a guy (31 M) for three months. He mentioned quite early on about the fact he was disillusioned with working for the health service in our country (he’s a doctor) and that the idea of moving to another country (a 20+ hour plane trip away) really appealed to him. I asked him about whether moving abroad was a serious consideration quite early on – maybe after our third date – and he tried to reassure me that it was only an option he was looking at but wasn’t strongly considering. He told me his life here and he wanted to try and make things work for him career-wise here.

Fast forward three months, and I decided to initiate a conversation about where we stood in terms of us dating and where he felt things were going. I was really enjoying his company, had met his friends and we were seeing each other regularly.

He told me he was finding it hard to commit and that he had started actively pursuing moving abroad as an option and that him leaving this country within the year was the most likely outcome. He’d been doing several video interviews and had actually recently been offered a job at a hospital and was on the verge of accepting.

I was pretty surprised to hear that all of this had been going on in the background and he hadn’t once mentioned it. To me, it had felt like we were building towards something and were growing closer.

Though we weren’t yet in a serious relationship, I feel like he should have mentioned that this process was ongoing so that I had a clear picture of what was going on and I would be able to make a decision about how to move forward.

Do I have a right to feel hurt and let down by all of this, and to feel as though he has not taken me or my feelings into consideration at all? It seems to be a case of wanting all the benefits of a relationship without actually having to commit.

  1. Lesson learned. Without firm commitment you aren’t really owed anything. There’s a reason why people don’t commit, they don’t want to be bound to somebody. Advice is to block and delete.

  2. I think it is fair to be let down because he failed to disclose the change in his attitude towards moving earlier. He probably should have updated you in a more timely manner so you could make an informed decision.

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