How to have the confidence to say “no”for once?

1 comment
  1. you answered your own question.

    but i would say, say no when you have weighed out if saying yes will be more of a detriment to you.

    nobody likes a selfish asshole, and there’s nothing wrong with helping out your fellow man- it has the potential to establish bonds , and you may even score yourself a few favors and solids because lots of folks would be happy to return the favor.

    that being said, you have to take some time to think about what your boundaries really are, which things are non negotiable, and where you’re heading. knowing what you want is a good baseline, after that all you need to do is say no if whatever is being demanded of you is either:
    detrimental to your goals (takes up time you cant afford to lose, or money, or resources etc.)

    or something that you dont feel like doing (only if whats being asked/demanded isnt rightfully owed to them)

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