What is the best relationship advice you can give?

  1. It’s ok to realize someone isn’t a good match for you without anything being wrong with you or them.

  2. Your partner doesn’t need to be the perfect partner. Don’t expect them to meet 100% of your needs or expectations. Accept and appreciate them for who they are, because they are doing the same for you.

  3. If you’re a dude: share more with your friends about the relationship.

    If you’re a woman: share MUCH less with your friends about the relationship.

  4. Someone’s perspective on life can dictate your future. Be realistic with one another. An optimist and pessimist will not get along. If you’re looking for certain characteristics, ex. I love seeing joy come off of people, so that’s who I go after. Changing people to your mold is much more difficult, most times impossible, than chasing the correct ones from the beginning.

  5. Always take people the way they are right now, not how you expect/want them to become some day. Because this will never happen.

  6. If your partner is asking reasonable things of you, listen. Don’t procrastinate or you’ll just end up alone thinking about all the things you should’ve done.

  7. Communicate when you’re not upset. Your girl or boy does something that bothers you? Talk to them when they haven’t just done that thing.

  8. Putting aside the cliché advice about communication and compromise, remember this:

    Not every idea you have is a good one, and vice versa. Learn when to accept that your desires/dreams aren’t compatible with theirs and figure out if that’s okay.

  9. Both parties are well served if they can communicate well, and learn each other’s Love Language.

  10. Don’t marry someone who you can’t be friends with.

    If you are going to spend the rest of your life with a person then you should you be comfortable sitting in the same room together without having to talk to each other and you should have multiple activities or hobbies that you nerd out with the other person with.

    Note that comfortably sitting in the same room together without talking is something you learn to do or find out after spending time with that person. You also don’t have to enjoy ever hobby the other person has. You are both allowed to have your own interests. You just need to have enough shared interests that you have things to look forward to.

  11. A relationship should be a 60/40 split where each person is trying to be the 60.

  12. If you want her to do stuff that you like, start doing stuff that she likes first. No strings attached. If she responds in kind, keep her.

  13. That love language stuff actually kind of works. If you use it properly… At least it does in my experience. Also remember to retain your identity and continue to be your own person in a relationship. I’m not saying don’t change, that’d be ridiculous, but be your authentic self.

  14. Never become complacent. Continue hitting the gym, hobbies, hanging out with friends, etc. of course with respect to your partner.

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