I met someone through a dating app we had great hangouts. But yeah, he’s not the one. Honestly, I think he’s a great & genuine guy.

I’m not sexually attracted to him. He’s not ugly or anything. I don’t want to tell him that that’s a factor. I wasn’t sure if it was because I didn’t know him that well.

And there’s some other things I noticed that will doom our relationship (from things related to hygiene to his level of attentiveness). I know myself pretty well so these are deal breakers. Like I could pretend Im not bothered and continue seeing him but that’s not being honest to myself.

We’ve only had 3 meetups.
I want to break it off nicely. It’s not often that I’ve had such a good dating experience.

I don’t want to lead him on. It’s not like he wants me as his girlfriend or anything, but he’s invited me to his apartment twice so far and so I think it’s time.

I want to avoid sending confusing messages. Like it was truly a pleasure/ good experience with him. I just need to detach.

do I call or just text?

Update: I text him. He said “Ok, fair enough! Best Wishes! ”
It went more smoothly than I thought it would. Thank you to those that gave advice!

  1. i would just tell him you’re not looking for anything serious with him at this time & that you’re open to being friends but understand if that isn’t what he wants

  2. Keep it short and simple and tell the truth. Like:

    I’ve been having such a great time with you but I don’t feel this is going anywhere and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. I sincerely hope you find what you’re looking for 💕

    I had the same question a few times and just went online until I found something I liked or it sparked an idea of what I wanted to say, articles like this helped https://www.bustle.com/wellness/texts-send-someone-not-interested-first-date

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