I noticed she’s been working super hard and unfortunately didn’t get employee of the month. So I (20m) want to try and make my own for her and surprise her when she gets home from work, sorta like a girlfriend of a lifetime award or something? What do you think? Open to any other ideas!

  1. You know her better than us, but I think that will just remind her of what she didn’t get at work. Instead, I’d just plan a nice night for her without an award. There will be other months, I don’t think she really needs a consultation prize, just a distraction.

  2. Nah, don’t make it work related. It’ll just feel like a participation trophy. Just do something nice, make dinner or take her out, get her flowers, tell her your proud of her hard work.

  3. That is the sweetest! You’re a good boyfriend. A coupon book for free massages or chores is always acceptable. Just be prepared to perform the task.

  4. I would be super happy to come home to a cooked dinner and set table with candles. Or dinner reservations to a nice but casual place made with my favorite outfit on the bed laid out for me. And a tub of B&J’s for when we get home so we can eat icecream in bed with our Netflix.

    It doesn’t always have to be super fancy. Effort is attractive!

  5. You’re a good man! It’s lovely that you want to make her feel special and recognise what a great person she is. I think she’ll appreciate it very much.

  6. Make a sign that says her name and Girlfriend of the month then cross out month and write millennium.
    I know 🌽 lol

  7. It’s really no big deal. If she works and is getting paid, who cares about a label. Maybe just take her out to a nice dinner / fav restaurant

  8. I suggest giving her some flowers and taking her out for a nice dinner. Just let her know you’re sorry she didn’t get the award and tell her how much you appreciate her. Listen to her rather than talking about other things, unless she doesn’t want to talk about it.

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