Got some good news you want to share?

  1. Have a third date this weekend. She’s coming over and we’re cooking dinner 🙂

  2. Only two more days until I change stores! So fucking excited to get out of the chaotic mess that is my current store. Even if the new store is equally chaotic, it does less than half the business of my current store, so if nothing else said chaos will unfold at a more sedate pace.

  3. My anxious attachment had a flare this morning. 33M I’ve been talking to/going out with didn’t message since last night at 10pm and I was distracted meeting with friends and only noticed after midnight. When I answered, only one tick. My phone died and when I got home, still one tick. I brushed it off to his phone being off or whatever. Woke up about three hours ago, still one tick. It’s usually the hour he sends me a good morning text and when it didn’t came I started to get anxious. Like maybe he got upset with me for not answering yesterday, and maybe he blocked me, and maybe we won’t talk again. And my rational side knows it’s not that big of a deal and we went without talking for many hours before so why get like this, so I try to control it. He finally texted back and I feel silly for being on the verge of a slight meltdown at this time of the morning (almost 9am here).

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