My guy friend, who is also my crush, keeps sending me instagram reels involving husband and wife. But at the same time, he keeps mentioning: ‘do this to your husband’, ‘do like that after your marriage’ or ‘do this or that towards your kids’

I don’t like it why does he keep saying these kinds of things. He is a year older than me. I am 25

  1. He sniffed out you have a crush on him and thinks this is the best course of action to kill off that crush without hurting you.

    he is a clever man. I’d say he is marriage material.

  2. Tell him to shove his vids… or stop replying to his messages if that upsets you.

  3. Screw men who tell
    Women what to do. Tell him to cut the shit or block him. He’s a misogynist creep

  4. Send some instagram rolls back.

    Of a guy cooking, cleaning, not sleeping due to multiple babies, of going bald, of owning a suv, of getting a divorce, of paying alimony, of getting a vasectomy, etc etc

    He’ll either laugh and double down, or get the message.

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